Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sumter Fair

We went to the Sumter fair today. Holly only got to ride the ponies and the merry go round but she still had a blast! Also, I guess all that funnel cake cravings when I was pregnant were for a good reason. We got to taste her first funnel cake.SHE loved IT! We took the left over home and ate it and watched our new DVD,
Cher-Cher and Pa-paw sent us today....Dumbo. Holly loved it and keep saying "ELLA" :)

                                              She couldn't even wait to sit down :)

Goats...Holly is saying " WOW!!!!!"
                            We didn't even bring the stroller. Holly enjoyed walking around and looking at
                                                            all the excitement.
                                                             More cake! YUM!

Thursday, September 22, 2011


I was attempting to make homemade play-doh with flour but it was an extreme failed attempt. I ran out of flour and added to much water. It ended up just being dough. So, we just pretend cooked and got extremely messy! Holly thought it was the coolest thing ever anyways! Plus, she got to get hosed off which was double the fun!

Sock Monster

I have caught the sock monster in my house! Holly was carrying all the sock around throwing them like balls. Since brandon rolls his socks they kinda look like a ball. She had one in her mouth and one between her neck and shoulder, which fell before I could grab my camera. Plus, two in each hand.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Well, Holly once again crawls out of her bed and goes to the door crying. Well, tonight she ALMOST made it back onto her bed. I think maybe she is learning the floor isn't that comfy! This is so funny. Brandon comes and gets me and says "Well, she almost made it onto the bed". I don't know how she is even sleeping like this .Excuse the nasty blanket. She drug it all around outside today and got a little chocolate on it. I swear, i do wash it. At least every other day.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Progress on the toddler bed

I believe I am in need of another "baby bootcamp" as I call it. Tough LOVE. The first week Holly was doing so great in her big girl bed. I would put her in bed around 7:30 and she would go straight to sleep but then I think she realized she could escape. Now, everynight she repeatly goes to the door screaming "NO, NO, NO" . I go in her room and tell her "It's bedtime" and place her back into her bed. So, this is where I have found her sleeping the past two nights before I go to bed...ON THE floor in front of her door. SIGH!!!

Fall is Here!!

We have had amazing weather her! It has been in the 70's for the past few days. Holly and I have taken full advantage of it. We spend a majority of our day playing in the backyard. Playing chase, blowing bubbles, riding the mini four wheeler, and getting messy in the sandbox and dirt. So, Finally she killed the battery to the power wheel. This is normally very traumatic and due for an extreme meltdown but now she decides it could be more fun to push it! She push it forward & backwards and saying "WEEEEEE" the whole time. It was hilarious!

Before battery died.. moving SLOW!

WEEEEEEE!! I think she liked to push it because she made it go much faster than normal :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pony ride

This is old but i think it is cute. Holly has lots of practice from riding her toy pony at home :). I can't wait for the fair at the end of this month here in sumter. Hope she can ride one again!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Trip to Cincinnati

Last week we went to Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky to see Pa-Paw and Cher-Cher. We has so much fun. It was so great to finally see them after several months and they love Holly more than anything in this world, that's for sure!!! We had a full week. We went to the aquarium in Newport KY, the zoo in Cincinnati, "road the duck" through the city, went to the fair, went to entertainment junction (a train exhibit), played lots of games at gameworks, feed the ducks, went to the splash park, went to several play parks and had lots of family time. I even got spoiled! I got to have lots of me time as they plated with Holly. I got my hair done, pedicure and manicure, lots of shopping for new clothes and even a full hour massage! Talk about heaven for both of us. My parents are pretty amazing! It is hard to type everything since we NEVER stopped. Hopefully pictures help :)

Holly loved the aquarium! I have never seen a child so fascinated the entire time we were there. I think she would have stayed all day if we let her.

This is the "Levi" in Newport KY. Its a beautiful view of Cincinnati with a ton of stuff to do for kids and adults.

Ride the Ducks is a bus that drives through the city and turns into a boat that goes down the river. This was Holly's first boat ride and she was thrilled. Wish i would have gotten a video.

Fountain Square in Cincinnati. Holly splashed in it so much I had to change her outfit. :)

                     Entertainment Junction a train exhibit with a lot of amazing train display and a amazing play area for the kids. Also, had a Thomas the train ride Holly loved! It was pretty awesome!           

They have a HUGE splash park! Our dare devil child keep running through the area with the massive amount of water coming from top and bottom. She thought it was so fun!

The zoo is one of the largest in the world and let me let you we walked it all in the VERY hot sun. Holly's favorite was the elephants, i think. Her face when she was watching them was so funny. She feed the goats and giraffes. She saw a lot of animals up close this time and was loving every second.

Feeding the Ducks. She wasn't too sure about them. She had to run to pa-paw to protect her!

 Recently mastered the slides. She refuses to go down the little ones now. She goes climbing up the steps straight to the biggest one and comes straight down and repeats it over and over till we forced her to leave.

Her first pony ride. I was amazed how well she held onto it herself. She acted like she didn't even need our help.

So, my dad decided to put her on this car ride. She didn't meant the height requirement and that alone kinda scared me. So, i go up to the man running the machine and ask him.."does this go fast?" He replied No it's pretty slow. So, i am feeling better. The ride was FAST for a 1 year old. I started SCREAMING "NOOOO". I about had a stroke. I look over at Holly and she is laughing hysterically. I just pictured her falling and breaking her neck. She ended up riding 2 more times because she started crying when we took her off it.