Tuesday, October 9, 2012

We are still here!

We have been so busy with school. It is taking all of my time. So, i have been slacking on the blog. Well, and also Holly won't let me take a photo. Unless i sneak it in when she isn't looking. She really likes taking pictures! Therefore, demands "HER" camera. HA!

She does lots of projects at school. Here are a few of her pictures she has done. She really is learning A LOT!  (note she did not wear this today, she changed herself when we got home)

And I took that one photo and she asked for the camera. 

Fake cry since I wouldn't give her camera.

Real tears..

RED ! very angry now.. SEE why I never take pictures!

Snapped one of her watching a movie. I am washing the couch cushions..so its all messed up!

Found this when I uploaded these photos. She took this photo of herself at some point in the past few weeks.