Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Packing the BAG!

Yup, the bag, as in Holly's! She is going to GG's (that's what she has decided to call my mom since she cant say grandmommy she says "gg") tomorrow and then NY! Well, that's the plan. The original plan was She would be gone from Thurs to Thurs. BUT I have decided I might die going a whole week without Holly and my mom might need to go to a loony bin after its all over with :)
So, Thurs she is going to Ga through Saturday. Saturday mom flies to NY with her. Sunday I will be meeting them in NY! We will leave NY together on the following Thurs! Whew, got it?  I know confusing! Wish us luck! And pray for us all to make it through it happily!

                 I started to get together all of her warm clothes to pack and she wanted to put it all on!
                                                      Putting on jacket!

                            ! Zip it up please!


                                     She grabbed the boots and tried putting them but couldn't!

Random photo from today....this is the start to her " oh no you didn't" face
(I'm getting the face because i got the camera)

All Done! SEE!

Saturday, November 26, 2011


We spent the week with Pa-Paw and Cher-Cher! It was a blast we went shopping, decorating the house Christmas lights, ate a lot of YUMMY food and spent some much needed quality time together. Holly is still saying "Cher-Cher, pa-paw,chercher..." you get the idea. I just download a few of the photos in no particular order since Holly woke up in the middle of the download I got all confused :) I am so glad they came to spend the Holiday with us and Brandon got to enjoy some awesome food (since there is no way i could have cooked all that and it taste good too).

Every morning she wanted to sit in the sink and do her make up with Cherie
                                                                  Cher-Cher and Holly

Like our snowmen! Dad and Holly did a awesome job ..huh?

She LOVESS her Pa-paw. Well, they love each other!

Holly loves the lights outside. Problem is she doesn't ever want to come back inside without a fit.

                                               Eating whip cream and it is so FUNNY!
                        Eating her thanksgiving dinner AKA a roll, banana pudding and a side of whip cream.

Some of the amazing food

Whip cream

                                                 Checking out the lights.

                                            She tried to jump in the car with them.

One more family picture! 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Horse Race

The Colonial Cup horse race. We went with Amber and Tristan. They have orders for Hawii in March! Seems everyone is going to Hawii but us! We had so much fun though!

Waiting on the horses to come around. Holly was SO excited!

                                                                  Super mom!

So exciting!


Yup she loved the bull! We rode a horse also but I rode with her so didn't get any pictures. And my hips still hurt. Yup I'm old!

                                                                  Pushing Tristan

Friday, November 18, 2011

Lazy Day

This is what we are going to do all day! Play and relax! Life is good!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thanksgiving at our house....

Well, once Holly figures out how to pick up the turkey, she says she is cooking it or she could just warm it up with her bottom!
(I swear we will wash it before we cook it) HAHA

Monday, November 14, 2011

Random Pictures

They have a kids at play every monday on base with bouncy house and tons of toys! Holly loves this ball!

                  Jumping in bouncy house! This little girl really wanted me to take her picture with Holly! Holly is jumping her lady :)

Pushing Daddy down the slide is SO fun!
                                                   Sleepy Babies!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Where's Holly?

Built A fort!

I meant to download another video but this one is still cute. She is saying "Holly Holly"! This makes doing laundry fun :)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Holly, The Trickster!

Holly, the trickster, because she will trick me to let her in the bathroom to do this! She will say "PEE PEE" and grab my hand running to the bathroom. The first time I was so excited, thinking she was actually learning when she had to go potty BUT she will proceed to sit on the potty for maybe 3 seconds (not going potty) clap for herself, pretending she went and head to the toilet sink or bathtub! I guess she figures I wont see her. This is why i always keep the bathroom door shut at my house! Here is what she looks like!

Climbing in bathtub
                                                            Turning on water

      She is so proud of turning the water on (I normally keep in on shower mode so it scares her to death when she turns it on) HAHA Its pretty funny how fast she runs out!
Climbing on toilet

                                                                   Almost up

                                                                     Got water on!

                                                            Turning water on!