Saturday, January 28, 2012


Holly has been sick off and on the past week. So we have been pretty boring watching TV, reading books, eating junk, sleepless nights and LONG naps during the days. She seemed much better today. Thought we were going to make it all day without the fever but it came back around 630pm. Motrin kicked its butt after 30 mins. Hopefully we will make it tonight will no fever! Doctor said it was  Roseola or a UTI. I think Roseola since today when fever was gone she had a Small rash like area on back and chest. Still no call from them on the results of urine sample.Now that we have a car we need to get out and have some fun. :)

Brunch for champions?

                                   Today!  I woke her up from the flash. Opps! poor baby!

Check out them curls!

1 comment:

  1. Sage has had roseola. Apparently it's pretty common-or so our doc told us. She had the fever for a day or two then broke out in a rash. She was fine after a few days.
